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GRASPED Curate Customers With Clubhouse - Module 10

Update Your Profile

Video Transcript:

Welcome back. And once you've done your profile research, you can then work to customize your profile, you can then click on your profile. And what you will then see is that you can first add in your Instagram account. So, to do that, what you're going to do is to click Add Instagram now you are going to need to have Instagram as an app on your iOS device.

You'll then need to either log in with your username and password or because Facebook is connected to Instagram, and if your accounts are connected, you can continue with Facebook. So, for the sake of this video, we are going to continue with Facebook. What you can then do is you can connect your Instagram profile.

You'll then note that your profile will then be connected to your Instagram account. You can then refresh your profile. Your Instagram account will then be connected. Okay, so with that, thanks and I will see you in another video.

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