
GRASPED The Virtual HeySummit Masterclass – Module 12

Connect Ticket Buyers to WordPress Membership, Part 2

Video Transcript:

Welcome back. We're going to come back toward third-party cloud-based connector Zapier, and we're going to change the trigger. What we're going to say now is that when an individual purchases a summit ticket, we want to have that individual placed inside of our WordPress product that is now password protected. So what we want to do is go back inside of this area, and we're going to look at something specific.

Instead of just being an attending within our Hey Summit account, what  we're now going to say is that we want to see that this individual has purchased a specific ticket. So to do that within Zapier, what we're going to need to do is we're going to need to place a filter here in this area. And so basically what we're going to tell Zapier is we're only going to continue if there is a specific event within a summit.

So what we're now going to say is that if the event name is going to be something specific, and once you set up the specific language, you'll need to test your zap to make sure it would have continued. Basically what we have done here is we've said that the zap should only continue if the event name is going to be something specific and we're going to do that because we want to have specific ticketed individuals added to a specific area within our WordPress website.

So what we're now going to do is we're going to add in Wishlist member to our Zapier account, and we're going to add Wishlist member to Zapier. We are then going to choose a specific event and we want to have an individual added to a specific level. And of course that level is actually a product within our Wishlist member account. You are going to need to add the specific Wishlist member installation on the specific Wishlist member site.

So we're going to map the specific email address, and we are going to choose the specific level on our WordPress website. And we're going to see the specific level, we're going to choose it and we're now going to click continue. What we now want to do is test and review, and Zapier is going to send a test individual to our Wishlist member account.

And once you publish your zap, it will then be ready for you to send individuals from your specific event to your WordPress site.

Okay. So with that, thanks. And I will see you in another video.

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