GRASPED 30 Sales Funnels Explained

Month 2

A GRASPED Digital Resource



Sales Funnels

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Subject Digest Overview:

Should you use a CROSSELL, Affiliate, or Hero Funnel, for your business?

One of the first things every info marketer needs to figure out is the best sales funnel, or model, with which they can get their info products into the hands of their customers. Listed here are 30 different Sales Funnels and each of them work effectively for different product types. Every info marketer needs the right kind of funnel for the following reasons:

  • To better communicate the value of your product
  • To better represent your brand
  • To provide prospects with a seamless purchase experience
  • To help you follow up effectively

How do you know which funnel best suits your kind of product or service? That's what GRASPED 30 Sales Funnels Explained helps you find out. Some other key things you will discover at the end of this resource includes:

  • The best funnels for professional services
  • The best funnels for personal brands
  • Real examples of businesses with similar products using special funnel types

You no longer need to worry about choosing the wrong funnel for your products. Grasp to your advantage, the roadmap to success is right at your fingertips, look below to see the funnels we cover in this resource...

GRASPED 30 Sales Funnels Explained

Month 2

If you struggle with making sales as an affiliate, there could be two reasons for this...

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If you have a high ticket Coaching program, or you offer expensive services like accounting or law, then you absolutely need an APPLICATION FUNNEL to reach people who REALLY want your services and can afford them!

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Knowing your prospects intimately is a key ingredient in finding the best way to frame your offer to suit their needs.

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The automated webinar funnel can be used to generate income 24/7 if done right.

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You might be leaving a lot of money on the table if you simply let your loyal customers cancel a subscription without knowing why.

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This funnel is especially useful if you're just starting out or you just don't want to use paid ads. You can drive traffic to your landing page using a content funnel.

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It costs around 10X more money and other resources to sell to a new customer than to sell to an existing one.

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Any existing funnel can be turned into a CROSSELL FUNNEL to sell other related products you have...

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This is the simplest funnel you can tweak however you like. It can be used for both e-commerce and digital product businesses too.

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Building trust, as you already know, is crucial to sales. The forever funnel is best used for building trust with your prospects.

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If you're looking to quickly get ahead of the competition, the FREE CONSULTATION FUNNEL is effective.

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This funnel is effective for building a list of potential buyers. A product is offered for FREE via a simple sales page but a small shipping FEE is required.

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This funnel works great for both digital and physical products. It's a great way to nurture a prospect and eventually turn them into customers.

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This simple funnel should feature a photo of the hero, a short biography, and links to social media handles on a landing page.

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You basically offer a "FREE" live training on a sales/registration page for which the prospect will have to enter their credit card information but only pay for AFTER the event.

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This is literally the MOST IMPORTANT type of funnel every online business should have. It's a simple funnel used to generate potential customers who are interested in what you offer.

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In this funnel, the goal is to demonstrate HOW the product works to the prospect.

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The live webinar funnel is not only a great way to train your customers, but also a great way to pitch high ticket products to your prospects.

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This funnel is especially useful if your product is the sort that requires a regular subscription. There are two versions of this funnel.

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This funnel typically starts with a landing page offering one or more free trainings to build anticipation for the product...

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The Re-Engagement funnel is very useful for getting prospects who no longer engage with your emails to resume doing so...

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The big idea of the referral funnel is to get your customers to become affiliates for your products...

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In this funnel, a free gift is first offered to the prospect, and then there's an option for the prospect to opt in for more information on your products.

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This funnel is useful for mitigating the high cost of ads. The idea is to monetize the leads as soon as they come...

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This funnel is especially useful for Businesses that offer a service as its main product.

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This funnel is mostly used for selling e-commerce products but can equally be used for software and digital ones.

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The summit funnel is a simple funnel where you invite prospects to watch your live summit or recorded interview with keynote speakers in your niche...

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The survey funnel is especially useful if you have multiple products but would like to get to know the prospect to better recommend a product that suits them...

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The most common type of funnel is the typical sales funnel. People can use this funnel to make a full income online...

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At GRASPED Digital, we combine creativity and expertise to enhance your digital marketing journey. Our goal is to be your trusted guide, using innovative strategies and insights to lead you to success in internet marketing.
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