GRASPED The Pinterest Playbook

Month 9

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Subject Digest Overview:

This resource covers all aspects of using Pinterest as a marketing platform, from the basics of setting up an account to creating and uploading content, managing your account and boards, and collaborating with others. You will learn how to create various types of content for Pinterest, including image and video content, as well as how to use popular design tools such as Adobe Express and Canva to create high-quality content. The resource also covers advanced features of Pinterest, including analytics, audience insights, and trends, and emphasizes the importance of creators on the platform.

  • Learn how to create effective Pinterest content using Adobe Express and Canva
  • Understand the importance of the Pinterest Creator Hub and how to utilize it to your advantage
  • Discover how to create and upload bulk pins and track your audience insights and trends through the analytics tab
  • Gain knowledge on account and board management, as well as basic board organization
  •  Acquire skills to create and customize pins to enhance your Pinterest presence and collaborate with other users on boards

By the end of the resource, you will have a thorough understanding of how to use Pinterest effectively for marketing purposes, including creating engaging content, managing your account, and collaborating with others. Whether you are a small business owner, marketer, or social media manager, this resource will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed on Pinterest.

Grasp to your Advantage! The roadmap to success is right at your fingertips. Look below to see the subjects covered in this resource...

GRASPED The Pinterest Playbook

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Cloud Based Integrations with Pinterest

Video lesson

Month 9

Install Pinterest on Your Mobile Device

Video lesson

Month 9

Using Adobe Express to Create Pinterest Image Content

Video lesson

Month 9

Using Canva To Create Video Content for Pinterest

Video lesson

Month 9

Using Canva to Create Exact Images

Video lesson

Month 9

Using the Mobile Version of the Content Creation Applications

Video lesson

Month 9

Creator Emphasis on Pinterest

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Create an Idea with Pin Multiple Images

Video lesson

Month 9

Create and Uploading Bulk Pins

Video lesson

Month 9

Analytics Tab Audience Insights and Trends

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Conclusion and Board Collaboration

Video lesson

About the Publisher


At GRASPED Digital, we combine creativity and expertise to enhance your digital marketing journey. Our goal is to be your trusted guide, using innovative strategies and insights to lead you to success in internet marketing.
Our blog series features fictional narratives that explore core marketing principles while providing tools and knowledge rooted in real-world tactics. Join us as we use storytelling to educate and inspire, helping you excel in the digital landscape.

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