Edit for Us
Edit a Post for Our Blog and Get Credit for Your Work
Hi, would you like to edit a post for our blog and get credit for your work? We will provide the post, you will check it for acuracy and provide the following content:
2 Photos
Must be from free photo sites and be relevent in some way to the content. You will provide the link to the download pages of each photo so we can check for legal requirements. Free image websites like Pexels is acceptable and prefered.
You need to find 2 quotes that are either relevent to the content, and/or encouraging to the reader and/or contain a positive outlook.
3 Internal Links
You need to choose 3 of our resources to link to from the blog post and provide a 30 word introduction "why they should go and look" for each.
3 External Links
You need to provide 3 external links to blogs with content similar to the one you are working on - You need to find 3 similar articles on other blogs and provide a 30 word resommendation for each.
Share Post 3 Times on Social Media
You need to share the post 3 times on Social Media e.g. your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
Author Box
This is where the love comes to you. In the Authors box for this post you should provide the following:
For your "website portfolio link" you should link to a page that contains all your contact information. It must be targeted to the profession you have provided.