
GRASPED How to Inspire & Motivate

Stories must carry a level of inspiration and motivation and there’s no easier way to do that than by making it personal.

This is where you explain why your brand was created, what motivated you to create a company in your market and what your personal goals and missions are.

Of course, you want to keep your audience in mind when crafting this story so that they feel a part of it and can go on the journey with you.

For example, if you are selling a weight loss course designed to help people live a better, healthier life, your story should begin by outlining your personal journey and transformation.

You become your own case study and subsequently, the best testimonial you can possibly offer.

But you then need to emphasize how your training program will produce the results your audience is looking for. It’s one thing that you could accomplish your weight loss or fitness goals, but how can others be sure they can follow your lead?

This is where personal storytelling becomes a critical component to successfully connecting with your audience on a deep level. It’s when you get the opportunity to show them what’s possible and how by purchasing your fitness program they too will be able to reach their goals.

The more personalized your storytelling campaigns are, the more effective they’ll be. Testimonials are a powerful weapon in sales and marketing but when you begin by sharing your own personal journey with your audience, you’ll be able to create an unforgettable story that will motivate and inspire your audience.

In the next chapter, I’ll share some tips and techniques to maximizing the effectiveness of your storytelling campaigns.

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