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GRASPED Tip #3: Casual Conversation Vs. Shop Button

If you’ve ever visited a Facebook business page, then you might have seen a Shop button on it. It’s pretty self-explanatory: customers can simply click on that button, and it takes them to an eCommerce store.

But customers don’t need to engage with a chatbot in order to hit that button. So, should you bother putting one into your chatbot?

It’s a good idea to have a shop button, but you want to encourage customers to interact with your chatbot rather than just hitting that button. Especially since interacting with a chatbot has a better chance of having them spend more money, whereas just hitting the shop button will result in them buying what they’re looking for, and not what your chatbot recommends based on their conversation.

First of all, remember that casual conversations almost always lead to more sales. That’s because the more your chatbot talks, the more it relaxes the customer and makes them feel at ease. And when they’re feeling at ease, they’re less likely to say ‘no’ to products your chatbot suggests.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a Shop button, too.

At some point during a conversation between your chatbot and a customer, they’ll probably be interested enough to buy something.

Your chatbot can be programmed to insert links to products, or you can have a simple ‘shop’ button within the chatbot.

Better yet, you can have both.

This gives the customer the option to continue chatting, or to leave the chatbot and shop on their own.

Just remember that most consumers are more likely to give a business their hard-earned money if it offers direct, 24/7, friendly customer service. So, keep the conversations friendly and your chatbot available as often as possible.

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