GRASPED Discovering Your Blind Spots Quiz


Welcome to the "GRASPED Discovering Your Blind Spots" Quiz! We all have strengths and weaknesses, but sometimes, we might be unaware of some weaknesses that are acting as blind spots, hindering our progress. This quiz is designed to help you discover potential areas of growth that may have been overlooked. This isn't about criticism, but constructive reflection. Let's begin!


1.How do you react when someone points out a mistake you made?

a) I immediately become defensive
b) I consider their perspective but ultimately trust my judgment
c) I accept and appreciate the feedback, looking for ways to improve
d) I feel upset and doubt my abilities

2.How often do you reflect on your behavior and its impacts?

a) Rarely, I tend to focus on the outcomes rather than my behavior
b) Regularly, it's a part of my self-improvement process
c) Sometimes, if someone points something out to me
d) Only when I face a significant problem or conflict

3.How do you handle criticism?

a) I take it as an attack and often get upset
b) I welcome it and see it as a chance to learn
c) I dismiss it if I don't agree with it
d) It depends on who is criticizing me

4.How willing are you to step out of your comfort zone?

a) Not much, I prefer sticking to what I know
b) Occasionally, if it's necessary
c) Frequently, I believe growth happens outside the comfort zone
d) Sometimes, but I find it difficult

5.How often do you ask others for feedback on your performance?

a) Regularly, I understand its importance
b) Only when it's required, like during performance reviews
c) Occasionally, when I'm unsure about something
d) Rarely, I rely on my own judgment

6.How do you react when facing failure?

a) I get demotivated and have trouble bouncing back
b) I analyze what went wrong and what I can learn from it
c) I get frustrated but move on quickly
d) I blame external factors and rarely look at my own involvement

7.How well do you adapt to changes?

a) It's difficult, I prefer routine and predictability
b) I struggle but ultimately manage
c) I embrace change as a part of life
d) I adapt, but it takes time and effort

8.Do you tend to repeat the same mistakes?

a) Yes, I struggle to break certain patterns
b) Occasionally, especially under stress
c) Rarely, I learn quickly from my mistakes
d) It's hard for me to recognize my mistakes

9.How well do you understand and manage your emotions?

a) I struggle to understand or control my emotions
b) I'm learning, but it's a process
c) I'm quite adept at understanding and handling my emotions
d) I tend to suppress or ignore my emotions

10.How open are you to learning new skills or ideas?

a) Very open, I love learning new things
b) I'm somewhat resistant, preferring to stick with what I know
c) I'm open if I see immediate benefits or relevance
d) I'll learn when necessary, but it's not a priority

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