Learning Tool #3: The Prompts

Below you will find several prompts that you can use for the various things you may need to research for different purposes in your online business. This is just to help you get your feet wet. You’ll come up with your own and of course there are a ton online for free and for sale. If you’re doing specific research and need prompts head over to Google and search for what you need a prompt for plus the word prompt.

Example: keyword research prompts

Keyword Research:

Write a list of keywords related to this topic: {TOPIC}

Write a list of potential search queries a user might enter to find information on this topic: {TOPIC}

Can you give me a list of keywords related to product searches in the {NICHE} and how many searches each keyword gets a month?

Niche Research:

What are the most profitable niches in the {NICHE} niche?

Analyze the current state of the {NICHE} niche and its trends, challenges, and opportunities, including relevant data and statistics. Provide a list of key players and a short and long-term industry forecast and explain any potential impact of current events or future developments.

Build a reader persona for a {BLOG POST/PODCAST/NEWSLETTER/ETC.} about {TOPIC}

Product Creation Research:

What are the best selling products in the {NICHE} niche?

What are the top trends in {NICHE} for {YEAR}?

I am creating an online course that shows people how to {INSERT TOPIC}. Can you give me an outline I can use to create my course with?

Can you give me a step-by-step process to creating {INSERT TOPIC}?

Content Creation Research:

What are unique angles I can create content around on {TOPIC}?

What are trending topics related to {NICHE/BIG TOPIC}?

Can you give me {X} topic ideas related to the keyword: {KEYWORD}?

Prepare a content outline for a {BLOG POST/PODCAST/NEWSLETTER/ETC.} about {TOPIC}

Write an Instagram caption for my { PHOTO/VIDEO/IMAGE/ETC.} about {TOPIC}

Can you give me {X} metaphors to describe the benefits of {TOPIC}

Write a {descriptive} video script about {TOPIC} using a {descriptive} tone.

Can you give me a list of facts and figures related to {TOPIC}, along with links to sources I can cite.

Can you give me a list of frequently asked questions related to {TOPIC}

Create a list of {X} of the best {ITEMS/PRODUCTS} for the {NICHE} niche

Can you create a detailed social media plan for the topic of {TOPIC}. Include the type of social media content to post, the topics to cover, and the right times to post on social media.

Identify {X} types of social media content on the topic of {TOPIC} that have proven engagement.

Can you give me {X} engaging questions related to the topic of {TOPIC} for posting on Facebook

Can you generate {X} newsletter ideas for the topic of {TOPIC}

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