
Welcome to the "GRASPED Agile Mindset" Quiz! This quiz will help you assess your ability to embrace flexibility, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace change. It will test your understanding of iterative improvement and the importance of learning from experiences to stay agile in a dynamic environment.


1.How do you typically respond to unexpected changes in plans?

a) Get frustrated and resist any alterations.
b) Embrace the change and adapt accordingly.
c) Ignore the changes and proceed as planned.
d) Blame others for the disruption.

2.What is your approach to feedback and criticism?

a) Take it personally and get defensive.
b) See it as an opportunity for growth and improvement.
c) Disregard it and believe your way is always right.
d) Brush it off and assume it doesn't apply to you.

3.How comfortable are you with uncertainty and ambiguity?

a) Extremely uncomfortable; you prefer clear-cut plans.
b) Comfortable; you see it as an opportunity for creativity.
c) Completely avoidant; you need everything to be well-defined.
d) Indifferent; uncertainty doesn't affect your decision-making.

4.What is your perspective on failure?

a) A sign of incompetence or personal flaw.
b) An opportunity for learning and growth.
c) Something to be avoided at all costs.
d) Irrelevant and inconsequential.

5.How do you approach working in a team?

a) Prefer working independently rather than collaborating.
b) Enjoy collaborating and leveraging diverse perspectives.
c) Avoid teamwork and prefer taking sole ownership.
d) Ignore others' contributions and focus solely on your own tasks.

6.What is your attitude towards change in the workplace?

a) Resistant; you prefer things to stay the same.
b) Embrace change as an opportunity for growth and improvement.
c) Indifferent; you don't see the need for change.
d) Blame others for any disruptions caused by change.

7.How open are you to trying new methods or approaches?

a) Reluctant; you prefer sticking to familiar methods.
b) Willing; you see value in exploring new approaches.
c) Completely closed off; you resist any changes to your methods.
d) Dismissive; you believe your current methods are always the best.

8.How do you handle setbacks or failures?

a) Get discouraged and give up easily.
b) Learn from the experience and adjust your approach.
c) Blame others and refuse to take responsibility.
d) Ignore setbacks and move on without reflecting on the experience.

9.How do you approach learning and acquiring new skills?

a) Avoid it; you prefer sticking to your existing skill set.
b) Embrace it; you see learning as an ongoing process.
c) Reject it; you believe your current skills are sufficient.
d) Dismiss it; you think learning new skills is a waste of time.

10.What is your mindset when faced with unexpected challenges?

a) Feel overwhelmed and defeated.
b) See it as an opportunity for growth and problem-solving.
c) Ignore the challenge and hope it resolves on its own.
d) Blame external factors for the challenge.

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