
GRASPED Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of

Part of being an influencer is being able to attract attention from potential joint venture partners and that means you’ll want to be as transparent as possible in providing information that will convince someone you’re worth partnering up with.

To start, you’ll want to implement some form of tracking into your campaigns so that you can keep a pulse on traffic, as well as provide that information to potential partners.

Do this early on so that you have important historical data and can provide as much information to a future partner as possible.

This includes:

Installing Google Analytics on your blog so you can monitor traffic and maintain a monthly snapshot of incoming traffic volume.

Keeping track of channel subscribers and conversion rates if you are monetizing your channel.

Monitor your email marketing campaigns, paying attention to subscriber rates, retention rates and open rates. Anyone looking to partner you or hire you to help them in marketing their business will be interested in knowing how engaged your audience is and how often they open and respond to your emails.

Set yourself up for long-term success early on and you’ll be able to attract the right partner when the time comes!

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