GRASPED Solution-Oriented Mindset Quiz


Welcome to the "GRASPED Solution-Oriented Mindset" Quiz! This quiz will assess your ability to approach challenges with a solution-oriented mindset. Answer the following questions to discover how well you focus on finding solutions and overcoming obstacles.


1.When faced with a problem, what is your initial reaction?

a) Panic and feel overwhelmed.
b) Blame others for the problem.
c) Look for solutions and potential ways to resolve it.
d) Ignore the problem and hope it goes away.

2.How do you view failure?

a) A sign of incompetence or personal flaw.
b) An opportunity for growth and learning.
c) Something to avoid at all costs.
d) Irrelevant and inconsequential.

3.In a team setting, what role do you typically take?

a) The one who points out all the problems.
b) The leader who provides solutions and guides the team.
c) The one who avoids getting involved in problem-solving.
d) The one who follows others' lead without contributing ideas.

4.How do you approach obstacles?

a) Give up easily and avoid confronting them.
b) Complain and dwell on the difficulties they present.
c) Seek alternative approaches and brainstorm solutions.
d) Ignore them and hope they disappear on their own.

5.When receiving feedback, how do you react?

a) Get defensive and take it personally.
b) Disregard the feedback and believe your approach is always correct.
c) Listen attentively and use it to improve your problem-solving skills.
d) Brush it off and assume others have ulterior motives.

6.How do you handle unexpected setbacks?

a) Become overwhelmed and dwell on the negative impact.
b) Blame external factors and see them as insurmountable obstacles.
c) Adapt and look for new strategies to overcome the setbacks.
d) Ignore them and hope things resolve themselves.

7.What is your approach to seeking help or guidance when facing a challenging problem?

a) Refuse help and try to solve it all on your own.
b) Feel ashamed and believe asking for help is a sign of weakness.
c) Proactively seek advice and collaborate with others for solutions.
d) See seeking help as unnecessary and prefer to figure things out independently.

8.How do you handle conflicts or disagreements?

a) Avoid confrontations and ignore the issues.
b) Blame others and refuse to find common ground.
c) Listen to different perspectives and seek mutually beneficial solutions.
d) Escalate conflicts and make them more contentious.

9.How do you approach new challenges or unfamiliar situations?

a) Feel intimidated and prefer to stick with what you know.
b) Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow through new experiences.
c) Avoid new challenges and prefer to stay within your comfort zone.
d) Dismiss them as unimportant and not worth your time.

10.How do you measure success in problem-solving?

a) By the absence of any challenges or problems.
b) By the ability to find innovative solutions and overcome obstacles.
c) By avoiding responsibility and passing problems to others.
d) By considering problem-solving irrelevant and unnecessary.

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