
GRASPED Tip #2: Podcasts

What better way to connect to audio listeners, then through an already, incredibly popular, and ever-growing world of audio entertainment? There are podcasts out there for just about everything, and books are no exception.

If you don't already have a podcast, creating one, and building an audience, can be a lot of work. But fear not, there are book podcasts out there for every genre of book that exists

Before you start reaching out to the hosts of these podcasts, you want to take time and listen to their show.

Find out if the podcast is right for your audiobook, if they fit the personality you are looking to convey, and if they are accepting submissions for interviews.

When you're on the podcast, you'll usually be interviewed by the host. They will talk to you about your book about your writing, and about you.

Be genuine when you're speaking. Sometimes, literary podcasts will ask you to read an excerpt from your book. Make sure to let listeners know you offer the audiobook form, and use your five-minute retail sample either during the interview or have it linked in the show notes.

A few well-known literary podcasts out there include:

  • So Many Damn Books
  • By the Book
  • Black Chick Lit
  • Hey Ya
  • The New Yorker: Fiction

Do your research so you can find the best audience for your genre. And make sure to promote your guest appearance or interview on your social media.

This will not only help to bring in listeners, but it will show your thanks to the podcast host for taking the time to talk about your books!

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