GRASPED Advice Corner Videos

Month 4

A GRASPED Digital Resource




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Subject Digest Overview:

In this resource we guide you through the crucial concepts and practices that will guarantee your online entrepreneurial success. This includes the ever-changing technologies, and the substantial influence of social media trends, on consumer markets. We help you learn how to position your products in video content on Instagram, TikTok, and forms of social media that are yet to be developed.

Advertising is something that never stays the same, as people and attitudes of the modern world constantly continue to evolve. With a multitude of online changes its easy to get confused as to what truly works for sales success. We many begin one marketing strategy only for the next great fad to cause us to quit for the next.

This subject digest goes beyond teaching you marketing strategies. It helps you refine skills that are vital to your online entrepreneurial venture. The hard truth is while online entrepreneurship may involve you working from home in your PJs, it equally demands hard work, a high level of discipline and consistency. You have to attain and maintain the right mindset, and also, you have to know when to rest. The key concepts you should grasp at the end of the course include:

  • Effectively strategizing your SEO plan for your blog.
  • How to hone in on your niche and effectively employ dual profit potential.
  • How to use data to make your engagements soar.
  • How to safeguard against excessive, unnecessary worries and fears.

Your confusions as an entrepreneur end here. Beyond this point, GRASPED Advice Corner will offer you practical advice on the exact strategies you should employ and put you in the right mindset for your online success.

GRASPED Advice Corner Videos

One thing that will ensure your online business failure is wasted time. Don’t confuse “wasted” time with the time it takes to renew your physical or mental power. That’s important, too....

Video lesson

Month 4

Advertising is something that never stays the same. All you have to do is look at the advertisements from 20 years ago to see that focus changes, attitudes have changed, and people have changed...

Video lesson

Month 4

You need sales copy in order to have sales of your product. But not all copy has the potential to convert. Sometimes there can be something missing that causes your audience to move on without ever making the purchase...

Video lesson

Month 4

We’re all pressed for time and energy at times and cutting corners on a product or content seems tempting. Just slap it up there and hope it flies. But that may be a move you eventually regret...

Video lesson

Month 4

One of the worst things you can do in your state of desperation is to rush things. But this happens all the time, and newbie marketers wonder why no one will promote their products for them...

Video lesson

Month 4

When people worry, it’s mostly about unfounded future events. Worrying about the failure of your business, not being able to meet challenges and worries about things you can’t control can negatively impact your business success...

Video lesson

Month 4

If there’s one thing just about every online marketer understands, it’s that feeling of fear that can overwhelm you as you try to get your business off the ground. There are many things that frighten an entrepreneur, and most of it is in your own mind...

Video lesson

Month 4

Whenever possible, try to hone-in-on a niche that has dual profit potential. That means it’s ripe for plenty of tangible and digital profits. So, for instance, with toys, it’s mostly tangible – most parents aren’t going to pay for guidance on which toy to buy...

Video lesson

Month 4

You might have heard how negativity is a bad thing when it comes to having the right mindset for success. It’s true. Negativity is one of the biggest things that can derail any attempt at success....

Video lesson

Month 4

You’re about to read something you don’t want to hear. You’ve been chasing a dream that doesn’t exist – the lie that being an online entrepreneur means no hard work is involved – just sit around in your PJs and watch the cash come in.

Video lesson

Month 4

Are you someone who almost can't do a thing with your business without running to another marketer to clear it first? This isn't elementary school – you're a grown entrepreneur, and you have to take full responsibility for your trials and errors – but you also get to claim your successes.

Video lesson

Month 4

There’s nothing worse than someone who begs to be taught how Internet marketing works, has others show them the ropes, and then quits on the implementation of those ideas.

Video lesson

Month 4

Many bloggers fret a lot about search engine optimization (SEO). They worry about doing things wrong and spend countless hours trying to set things up to dominate the search engines or even game the system.

Video lesson

Month 4

Technical skills that are needed in online marketing, are often the one element that causes many people to turn and run away. It feels overwhelming and insurmountable. But you shouldn’t feel like you have to be able to operate everything all at once – don’t make this harder than it has to be...

Video lesson

Month 4

If you’re looking for free, organic traffic, you’ll want to rank high in the search engines. But one thing many marketers overlook is the fact that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world.

Video lesson

Month 4

No one can deny that marketers are some of the most competitive business owners on the planet. At first glance, you may think that there’s really too much competition to even try to make a dent in a niche – but that’s far from the truth!

Video lesson

Month 4

Knowing when to post something on social media is just as important as knowing what to post. You don’t want to spend time and energy focused on creating engaging posts only to have them disappear unnoticed into the cyber void of social media...

Video lesson

Month 4

Instagram is a highly visual site where you can brand yourself as a leader in your niche. It implements a variety of images, video, and text. You can use a mixture of these, but every post will need either an image or a video to accompany the text....

Video lesson

Month 4

You might sometimes feel like you don’t have a lot to say on social media. Maybe that’s why you haven’t posted as much as you should. But coming up with something to post is a lot easier than you think...

Video lesson

Month 4

Shyness is the one thing that can keep you from becoming the successful entrepreneur that you know you can be. Some would-be entrepreneurs worry about their looks, their lack of knowledge or they’re simply uncomfortable putting themselves out there.

Video lesson

About the Publisher


At GRASPED Digital, we combine creativity and expertise to enhance your digital marketing journey. Our goal is to be your trusted guide, using innovative strategies and insights to lead you to success in internet marketing.
Our blog series features fictional narratives that explore core marketing principles while providing tools and knowledge rooted in real-world tactics. Join us as we use storytelling to educate and inspire, helping you excel in the digital landscape.

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