GRASPED Podcasting to Your Audience

Month 9

A GRASPED Digital Resource




40 Modules

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Subject Digest Overview:

You've put in the time and effort to develop and create your first podcast episodes, or you may already have a great podcast collection. However, you may be lacking in audience size to match the quality of your podcast. If this is the case, you are in the right place. GRASPED Podcasting to Your Audience has your back.

Putting your podcast out there is a significant first step, not to mention a great accomplishment. However, word of mouth will only get you so far. To get your podcast in front of more listeners, you must follow some specific measures. That's why we have put together this resource to help you navigate podcasting.

Some of the topics covered in this resource include:

  • Podcast format and platform options
  • The Anchor.FM platform
  • Minimal Audio creation options
  • Audio and video editing software
  • Podcast hosting options

This is the sure way to master the important concepts that will ensure the growth of your podcast audience. Everyone's story deserves to be heard, whether you've had a show for a long time or are just getting started.

Grasp to your Advantage! The roadmap to success is right at your fingertips. Look below to see the subjects covered in this video resource...

GRASPED Podcasting to Your Audience

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9 Audio Content Creation

Video lesson

Month 9 - Audio Content Creation

Video lesson

Month 9 - Audio Content Creation

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

GoToWebinar - Audio Content Creation

Video lesson

Month 9

Repurpose Live Video into Audio - Part 1

Video lesson

Month 9

Repurpose Live Vide into Audio - Part 2

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Audio Editing and Addition of Intro

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Month 9

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Submitting Your Podcast - Part 2 - Hosting Sites

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Podcast Format and Platform Options

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Alternative to Creating Your Audio Recording

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Use YouTube Video Promotions on Your Podcast Website

Video lesson

Month 9

Promote Your Products Using Blog Posts on Your Podcast Site

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Create an Amazon Flash Briefing - Part 2

Video lesson

Month 9

Add Your Blog to Amazon Author Central

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Content Moderation and Discussion

Video lesson

Month 9

Connecting Your Podcast Site to Your Products

Video lesson

Month 9

Video lesson

Month 9

Using Affiliate Programs in Podcasting to Defray Expenses

Video lesson

About the Publisher


At GRASPED Digital, we combine creativity and expertise to enhance your digital marketing journey. Our goal is to be your trusted guide, using innovative strategies and insights to lead you to success in internet marketing.
Our blog series features fictional narratives that explore core marketing principles while providing tools and knowledge rooted in real-world tactics. Join us as we use storytelling to educate and inspire, helping you excel in the digital landscape.

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