GRASPED Self Help Personal Growth Guides

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  • GRASPED Self Help Personal Growth Guides

Month 1

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Subject Digest Overview:

Embark on a transformative journey of personal growth with GRASPED's collection of 52 self-help guides. These guides offer practical tips and actionable steps to empower you in various aspects of your life, including resilience, self-care, relationships, decision-making, mindfulness, happiness, trust, and more. Each guide is designed to provide you with valuable insights and strategies to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

  • Learn effective strategies for making the best of difficult situations with GRASPED Making the Best of a Bad Situation.
  • Prioritize self-care and enhance your overall well-being with the guidance of GRASPED Acts of Self-Care.
  • Gain practical insights on how to deal with negative people while maintaining your emotional well-being.
  • Embrace the power of self-acceptance and learn why it's okay to be disliked through GRASPED It’s OK to be Disliked.
  • Rediscover excitement and passion for life with GRASPED Feel Excited About Life Again.
  • Unlock your writing potential with worthwhile advice from GRASPED Worthwhile Writing Advice.

These resource titles highlight the specific benefits and practical guidance associated with each self-help guide, emphasizing the value and impact learners can expect from GRASPED's resources focused on personal growth and well-being. Each guide provides valuable insights, actionable steps, and practical tips to help you navigate various challenges and empower personal growth.

In addition, each of our self-help guides is accompanied by a curated selection of five recommended book titles. These additional resources further enrich your personal growth journey, providing you with valuable insights and diverse perspectives to deepen your understanding and inspire lasting change.

Enroll in GRASPED's self-help guides today and embark on a transformative journey. Discover the power within you to live a life of purpose, resilience, and fulfillment.

Grasp to your Advantage! The roadmap to success is right at your fingertips. Learn more by checking out the subjects below…

GRASPED Self Help Personal Growth Guides

Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that helps you make the best out of bad situations. How you react to these situations can tell your life’s story.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that offers practical tips and advice on taking care of your physical and emotional needs, which are vital for a happy and productive life.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource that uncovers some tools to help you deal with the negative people in your life.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that offers some reasons why it’s ok to be disliked and provides three fast action steps to free yourself in ways you never thought possible.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that inspires the reader to step outside their typical daily work week of doing the same thing day after day. Instead, they can start feeling excited about life again.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that offers various tips to take you from an ‘ok’ writer to a great one! It takes grit and discipline, but these tips will help.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that offers practical tips and advice on avoiding burnout as a caregiver. Being a caregiver is challenging and can bring some changes in family dynamics. If you are not proactive, you may find yourself suffering from burnout.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that looks at some key behaviors and traits to look for in common with narcissists. Spotting narcissists can be difficult, as they often present themselves charmingly and confidently.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report to help those struggling to wind down and relax before bed. Follow these top tips to quiet your mind and de-stress before bed to improve overall sleep quality.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report highlighting several scenarios when it’s OK, and even beneficial, to be selfish. When you hear the word selfish, you think of someone who only thinks of themselves and puts their needs ahead of others. But sometimes, that’s precisely what is needed.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that uncovers some of the most important reasons to disconnect from your phone. Smartphones have become an extension of our arms, but disconnecting from your phone can enhance your life in many ways.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that provides practical tips to help you stop playing the comparison game. How much time do you spend wanting what other people have? If you don’t rein it in, you may experience regret and longing instead of embracing who you are.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that reveals the ways you may be giving your personal power away. “Personal Power” is our ability to detach from the expectations and influence of others, and too often, we give our power away by letting others negatively influence us.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that uncovers some simple steps you can take to stop the Internet from taking over your life. Too often, people get so caught up in the Internet that they lose touch with the real world.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report discusses practical tips for dealing with the times you feel like you hit rock bottom. There will be times when you feel like this, and the good news is that you can only look up when you are flat on your back.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report offering tips and advice on how to deal with embarrassment. Some struggle to overcome embarrassing moments, but you don’t have to let these little slip-ups control your life.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report looks at relationships and teaches some ways you might learn how to forge more meaningful relationships. We all want to have close, intimate relationships where we can be authentic and open with others.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report showing the reader some simple methods to enable them to become a good storyteller. Not enough people know how to tell a good story, and people often stumble over their words or, worse yet, never get to the point.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that talks about some of the risks you should consider taking in life. Taking risks can enrich our lives and lead us toward happiness and enjoyment.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that shares helpful, practical advice to help us overcome the loneliness we often feel despite being constantly connected via smartphones, social media, and the Internet.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that looks at ways you can be happy again, and even better off than before, after a breakup. Breakups can rip out your heart and leave you feeling empty inside. But you can be happy again.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that shares helpful, practical advice on being your own best friend. The longest relationship we will ever have will be with ourselves, so we need to treat ourselves as we would our very best friend.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that inspires the reader to sit back and breathe. We live in a busy society with responsibilities to keep up with. Here are some essential things to consider to keep your life simple.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that reveals the key benefits of rest. Experts always say we need to get enough sleep and find more ways to rest; learn why.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that helps you with practical advice to live more sustainably. You can make a difference, and now is always a good time to change habits and learn to live more sustainably.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that discusses practical tips for dealing with regret. Missing opportunities can leave us full of regret when we look back on our lives. Don’t let that happen to you…

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report uncovering some of the most important things to consider if you ever feel you’re missing out. With the advent of social media, the fear of missing out (FOMO) has escalated in many people’s lives, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do something about it.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that discusses practical tips for dealing with anxious thoughts when they take over, leaving us paralyzed with doubt and worry. We all get anxious from time to time, but this can help you quiet your anxious mind.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report helps the reader make the most of each day so they don’t have to feel like life is passing them by. The day-to-day struggle of getting up, going to work, coming home, and going to bed leaves many of us feeling depleted. Here’s the solution.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report helping you realize that many things you struggle with and worry about now won’t make a difference in 20 years. So, even if it feels like the most important issue in the world, it might just be something you laugh about years from now.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that shows the reader some simple methods they can use to start being just a little happier each day. We often get so caught up in a long-term pursuit of happiness that we don’t appreciate the small, simple steps that can make us happier now.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that teaches you some life lessons that Grandma might have passed on to you. Grandmothers have a knack for fun and imparting words of wisdom that last a lifetime.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that talks about some of the important things to remember on those days when everything seems to go wrong. How you respond to these tough days directly impacts your overall happiness and success.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that discusses practical tips for becoming the best version of you. Being the best version of you means different things to different people, but these tips will point you in the right direction.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that discusses some of the most common indications that you need more mindfulness. Do you have your phone in your hand while you eat? Have you found that you still feel exhausted no matter how much you sleep? Read on…

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that looks at practical ways to find a little bit of joy in the mundane. Being an adult is not always fun. Many chores and tasks must be done – even when we don’t enjoy them!

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that helps you regain control of your super busy life. Being busy seems to be our normal state these days. With all of the busyness, it’s easy to lose focus and become disorganized. How do you stay organized in all of the chaos?

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that helps you take control of your life. Even though we haven’t discovered the Fountain of Youth, most people still want to live a long and happy life. Once we begin noticeably aging, we are reminded that we have a finite amount of time left. You can worry about this or instead use your time to live your best life.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that helps the reader learn more about “happy habits” and start living a happier life. The road to happiness is paved with small habits that offer huge returns when applied.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that shows the reader some simple methods to enable them to make quicker decisions. If you struggle to make a simple decision, you will struggle to make the bigger one.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that discusses practical tips for helping the reader find a sense of belonging. A sense of belonging contributes to our emotional well-being; We all want to belong.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that reveals specific actions that can irreparably harm trust. Trust is vital to all our relationships, but trust can often be fragile.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that helps the reader understand how to add more direction to their life. Finding direction means having achievable goals that make you happy and bring you joy.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that reveals the times you should say “No” for a happier and less frustrated life. Everyone should learn to say no more often.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that offers simple and effective tips and advice on how to rejuvenate your mind. Your mind is constantly on – from when your feet hit the floor until your head hits the pillow.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that helps the reader learn techniques to engage with others successfully. There are two types of people in the world. Some can converse with anybody, and those who see their efforts fizzle after the first three minutes.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that shares advice about how to boost your mental clarity. Our world is full of distractions that can leave our brains unable to focus and remember the simplest thing.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that teaches the reader steps to overcome feelings of inadequacy they may feel at times. Things happen that make us question if we are good enough. Often, these feelings are not fact-based but are stories we tell ourselves.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that teaches some simple but potent steps to combat negative people and ideas.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that looks at effective ways to fix relationship trust issues. Trust in a relationship is paramount to its success. You and your partner or friend cannot stay together long if there is a lack of trust.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report looks at effective ways you might learn to manage your expectations about how a situation should go or how a person will react. When expectations do not fit reality, we become frustrated, angry, or depressed. Don’t let this defeat you.

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Month 1

A 9-tip resource report that helps the reader regain control in their potentially out-of-control world. Many people are exhausted in today’s stressed-out, distracted society and find life in the rat race frustrating. Few know what it feels like to slow down and deliberate about actions and thoughts.

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About the Publisher


At GRASPED Digital, we combine creativity and expertise to enhance your digital marketing journey. Our goal is to be your trusted guide, using innovative strategies and insights to lead you to success in internet marketing.
Our blog series features fictional narratives that explore core marketing principles while providing tools and knowledge rooted in real-world tactics. Join us as we use storytelling to educate and inspire, helping you excel in the digital landscape.

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