Subject Digest:
You get a customer, or a prospect comes into your sphere of influence, what do you need to do? You need to capture it and get it buying your products, not just one product but one after the other, and that is done with a sales funnel. A sales funnel is all the products in your business linked together so, when a customer buys one of them, they get sent to the next, or warmed up with a series of emails for another. This is the importance of building a list.
We are lucky to have THE PRESENTER here to provide us with an expose’ on the whole system and how he has made it work for himself and had it pay big dividends.
What you will discover in this resource:
In this resource THE PRESENTER will lead you through the entire process, guiding you all the way. At the end of the resource, you will never think of creating just one product or service, you will plan an entire funnel instead. See below for the subjects we cover.