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GRASPED Reach Audiences with TikTok – Module 20

Switching to a Pro Account

Video Transcript:

Welcome back. Now, it's likely that you're going to be using TikTok for more than just personal connection. And if that's the case, you are going to want a pro account so that you'll have access to the analytics tools so you can discern more about your audience as you begin to get more active. 

To do that, you're going to go to your top right settings. You're then going to go to "Manage your account". You are then going to click on "Switch to pro account", and you're then going to select an account type. You want to decide on how you primarily want to be known; if you are basically marketing a product or service that you have, or if you were looking to create content and to build a brand.

For the sake of this video, we are going to tap on business. You're then I'm going to want to choose a specific category for your book business. Once you do that, you'll then click "Next". You'll then be able to edit your profile. You will then add your website. 

If you need to change your email, you can add that email in. You can then add your email. You can then decide whether to add nonprofit to your profile or to remove it. And your business-based profile will then be ready to use. 

When you go back in your settings, you're going to see a business section. You're then going to be able to tap on analytics. You'll be able to get statistics on your videos as well as your interactions with individuals, with the content that you create.

Okay. With that, thanks. And I will see you in another video.

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