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GRASPED How to Put Marketing Automation to Work for You

Marketing automation aims to provide website visitors and customers with a personalized experience while saving marketers time and resources.

To automate marketing activities, you'll need a tool that triggers an automatic flow or strategic action whenever a specific condition occurs.

But ultimately, it comes down to using tried-and-tested marketing automation techniques for your campaigns.

Here are some of the most effective ways to use marketing automation.

Engage your audience with dynamic content:

Dynamic content is necessary to get the best results from any automated marketing tool.

Your interactions with leads are driven by dynamic content. A potential customer might leave your business if you have no content or send the wrong content to your leads.

Studies have shown that nearly 50% of consumers engaged with 3-5 pieces of content before speaking with a sales representative.

This is why it is crucial not only to create content but to create content of high quality and credibility. Unsurprisingly, 96% of B2B buyers want more content from industry experts.

If you want your automated marketing efforts to be successful, you need content that aligns with customers' past behavior and meets their needs.

Not all forms of content are created equally. For instance, blog posts and articles are effective at the top of the sales funnel.

Still, when potential customers consider purchasing your goods, you need visual content (such as videos, slide shows, and product demos).

Run an online store selling a product, for example. Visual content like product images and videos of other customers using it may be particularly effective in persuading potential customers.

Create a drip campaign that is triggered by specific events:

Marketing is best when you use a drip campaign for your automated marketing initiatives.


Because it is all about your customers.

For example, your system may send a welcome message to a lead when they sign up for your mailing list.

When prospective customers visit a product page on your website, it sends them content that discusses that product and includes an offer or discount.

As a result, you can customize your content for each lead using a drip campaign based on their behavior.

The opening rates of messages sent through drip campaigns are about 80% higher than those of generic campaigns, according to Martech Zone:

The benefit of drip campaigns is that you can cultivate relationships with your leads without interacting directly with them.

With such leads, you can gradually increase your credibility and trust.

Incorporate automatic nurturing campaigns into your funnel:

Not every website visitor is prepared to purchase the products you sell. Most of them are prospective customers who need more time and details before making a purchase.

This requires a nurturing campaign that automatically moves your leads from the awareness phase to the consideration phase and ultimately to winning the sale.

Using a marketing automation strategy, you can send your leads personalized content that is tailored to their individual needs.

By automating this process, you can significantly improve the effectiveness of the content you send to your contacts and ease their progression through the funnel.

A 2021 study found that utilizing marketing automation for lead nurturing results in a 451% rise in qualified leads!

Follow up with prospects via an email sequence:

What are your plans for following up with a prospect who has completed a form, poll or survey?

You can prepare a welcome email list and send it automatically through an automated marketing tool.

You can also create multiple sequences that will be applied to different leads based on changes in their behavior.

An email sequence is a set of emails sent to leads to convert them into paying customers.

Did you know that you can make up to $38 in return on investment for every dollar spent on email?

As a result, it is crucial to create an email sequence that will convert your leads into actual paying customers.

Use marketing automation to segment your contact list:

You can create audience segments using the information you collect from your leads. You can then send custom campaigns to those audiences.

Often, manual segmentation is not entirely accurate and takes a great deal of time. Segmentation can be done more accurately and reliably with marketing automation software integrated with your CRM.

To strategically segment your market and the products you sell, you can use demographics, geography, engagement, purchasing patterns of website visitors, etc.

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