GRASPED Create Viral Content



Creating viral content is a great way to increase traffic to your blog and build a larger audience. Viral content is unique, useful, and evokes positive emotions, making it highly shareable and likely to be passed on from person to person. In this article, we will discuss different types of viral content and how to effectively distribute it on your blog and social media.

Types of Viral Content

Viral content can take many forms, including memes, articles, short videos, infographics, comics, and other forms that are quick and easy to consume. The key is to create content that is unique, informative, and emotionally engaging, making it highly shareable and likely to be passed on from person to person.

Distributing Viral Content

To effectively distribute viral content, it’s important to post it on your blog with social media share buttons next to it. Additionally, you should post the content on social media platforms and encourage users to share it with their friends and followers. This can be done by including calls to action such as “Share if you agree!” or “Help out your friends by sharing this now!”


Creating viral content can be an effective way to increase traffic to your blog and build a larger audience. By creating unique, useful, and emotionally engaging content and distributing it effectively on your blog and social media, you can increase the chances of it going viral and reaching a larger audience. Remember to encourage users to share the content and keep track of what types of content perform well so you can continue to create successful viral content.

Case Study: Building a Larger Audience through Viral Content

Background: A blogger in the travel niche wanted to increase traffic to their blog and build a larger audience. They recognized the potential of creating viral content to achieve these goals, but were unsure of the best strategies to make their content go viral.

Objective: To increase traffic to the blog and build a larger audience through viral content.


  • The blogger focused on creating unique, useful and emotionally engaging content that would appeal to their target audience.
  • They distributed their content effectively on their blog and social media channels, using relevant hashtags and encouraging users to share the content.
  • They kept track of the types of content that performed well, so they could continue to create successful viral content.


  • The blogger created a variety of content, such as travel guides, destination reviews, and personal anecdotes that would appeal to their target audience.
  • They distributed their content on their blog and social media channels, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • They used relevant hashtags and ran social media campaigns to encourage users to share the content.
  • They also monitored the analytics of their website and social media accounts to track the performance of their content, and used this data to refine their content strategy.


  • The blogger’s content received a large number of views and shares, with several pieces of content reaching over 100,000 views.
  • They saw a significant increase in website traffic, with an average of over 10,000 visitors per month coming from social media.
  • The blogger’s social media following grew by over 50% during the campaign period.

Conclusion: Creating viral content can be an effective way to increase traffic to a blog and build a larger audience. By creating unique, useful and emotionally engaging content, and distributing it effectively, the blogger was able to increase the chances of their content going viral and reaching a larger audience. Encouraging users to share the content and tracking the performance of different types of content were key to the success of the campaign. Bloggers looking to expand their reach and build a larger audience should consider using viral content as a strategy.

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