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25 Product Title Templates
The title of your blog post, article, report, ebook, or other content is considered one of the most important parts of the entire piece. And that’s because if the title doesn’t catch the reader’s eye and get his attention, he’s not even going to read your content. That’s why your title needs to lead off with a bang. It needs to share benefits...
3 Product Outline Templates
Here’s a secret: The key to creating a great product starts with you creating a great outline. Think about it. If you don’t start out with a great outline, then your product is going to swerve all over the place. It’s going to ramble. If you’re lucky, your product will sooner or later make good and useful points for your readers. But if you didn’t create…
3 Direct Response Sales letter Templates
Your product is done. You’ve worked out your marketing plan. Now there’s just one thing left for you to do… Write the sales letter. Except you’re exhausted. You’ve likely spent long night after long night finishing your product. And so, writing a sales letter sounds like a lot of work. (It is.) And hiring someone else to write...
10 Article Templates
We need to help the typical business owner understand exactly what outsourcing is all about. In this suite of articles, we prompt the reader to explore a number of areas that are now or may in the future be causing them problems in one way or the other. We reveal how the virtual assistant can not only help them in these situations but can...
10 Blog Post Templates
In this report we discuss many tips for hiring the right virtual assistant for you, then delve into engaging the services of 'lead generation' VAs who particularly specialize in this area and finally, we talk about why hiring the right VA can be a brilliant investment for your business, whether a bricks and mortar establishment or quickly growing...
10 Solo Mailing Templates
Has this ever happened to you? You prepare a solo mailing for your list. You’re really excited about it because you’re promoting a great product or service. Maybe you even start crunching numbers – figuring out your open rate, estimating your click-through rate, taking a best guess on your overall conversion rate. And then you get even more excited...
3 More Solo Mailing Templates
As before, you’re about to get 3 more “plug and play” templates for creating your own high-response solo mailings! Just pick a template, insert relevant information where noted, and you’re good to go. Still hardly any work or thinking required! As before, you’re about to get 3 more “plug and play” templates for creating your own...
Swipe File: 101 Writing Idea Generators
If you’re like most business owners, then you have a constant need for content. You’re always creating blog posts, writing newsletters, distributing articles, and creating info products. Sometimes, however, you just get stuck. Maybe you start writing an article, but you’re not sure how to really flesh out the content. Or perhaps you can’t...
Swipe File: 27 Hot Buttons for Sales Writing
Here’s a simple truth: People won’t buy unless you give them a good reason to purchase a product or service. Sometimes this good reason has to do with the product itself, such as the benefits the product delivers. And sometimes this good reason has to do with the way the product makes the prospect feel…
Swipe File: 52 Kinds of Blog Posts
If you’re a blogger – or you plan on starting a blog soon – then you’ve downloaded the right report! And that’s because – You’re going to discover 52 different ways to write a blog post. Doing so will keep your blog fresh, your readers reading, and your prospects engaged and clicking on your promotional links! You see, lots of bloggers...
Swipe File: 50 Blog Post Titles
Imagine this… You sit down to write a blog post. You pop open a new word processing document, put your fingers to your keyboard… and then nothing. Your fingers remain motionless. And it seems you can’t even come up with an idea for a blog post, much less start writing the dang post. If this sounds familiar, then you’ll love this report...
Understand the Truth About Virtual Assistants
Many small business owners seem to have their head in the sand when it comes to administrative repetitive tasks. Often, they seem to feel the need to do these tasks themselves despite deep down knowing that this is hugely inefficient. At other times they simply cannot see past the illogical decision associated with...
Swipe File: 15 Ideas and Examples For Small Report Writing
If you’ve already created a small report, then your next step is to create the title for your report. And this is an extremely important step, because your title can literally make or break your report. Simply put, some people will decide whether they buy your report just based on your title. That’s a lot of pressure for you...
Swipe File: 15 Ideas and Examples For Small Report Writing
If you’ve already created a small report, then your next step is to create the title for your report. And this is an extremely important step, because your title can literally make or break your report. Simply put, some people will decide whether they buy your report just based on your title. That’s a lot of pressure for you...
Swipe File: 15 Ways to Promote Offers in Content
If you’re an online marketer, then you already know the importance of content marketing. And you’re probably already using content to build relationships with your visitors and subscribers, pull in traffic from the search engines and pre-sell products. Here’s the thing… No matter what kind of article you’re writing – such as an optimized article for...
Swipe File: 20 Opening Paragraphs
No matter what kind of content you create – from articles to books to videos – you’re always going to be required to create introductions for your content. And if you’ve spent any amount of time writing content, then you know there are two problems with introductions: 1. The introduction is often the hardest part to write. Many people struggle...
Swipe File: 20 Closing Paragraphs
You’re just about finished writing your content piece.
Maybe it’s just a short 300-word article. Maybe it’s a 40,000 ebook. Or maybe you’re wrapping up a podcast or a video. Whatever you’re working on, the last thing you need to do is create your conclusion.
This is where a lot of content-creators stumble. At this point...
How to Turn Bullet Points into Infoproduct Ideas
Have you ever felt like your product-idea well is running dry? You want to create a product. So, you sit down in front of your computer to brainstorm and outline. Maybe you even have a vague idea about the overall concept, but the exact topic and the other specifics aren’t coming to you. It’s like the well...
Copywriting Questionnaire
What do you want people to do when they read your copy? Examples include: buy a product, pick up the phone and call you, fill out a form, etc. Please provide access to your product. Be sure to include links and passwords if applicable. What is your product’s name? Is there any particular reason you chose this name? What does your...
20 Article Openings with Examples
Want to know what one of the biggest challenges most writers face in crafting their own original articles (and other content as well, for that matter). It's not coming up with ideas or outlining or creating a resource box. It's getting started. That's right, the opening paragraph is one of the biggest challenges most writers face. Once they get started...
Using Your Virtual Assistant to Manage Your Blog
Research Competing Products. Find competing products: Go to to find competing products. Go to to find competing products. Go to to find competing products. Use a Google search to find competing products. Inquire on niche forums about...
Checklist: How to Write a Sales letter
Before You Write… List all the features of your product. List all the benefits of your product. Note: the benefits are what the features do you for your customers. Decide on your USP (unique selling proposition). What makes your product different and better than your competitors’ products? Spend time “in” your target market...
Checklist: How to Write an Article
Choose an attention-grabbing title. Think about what “results” your target audience wants to achieve. Your title should hint at DESIRABLE results. Your title should hint at SPECIFIC results. Your title should hint at REAL results. Your title should hint at INTRIGUING results. Your title should hint at TARGETED results. Note: See main text for...
How to Research an Information Product
Do you want to know the key to creating a great information product? It’s this: You need to start by doing great research. Problem is, plenty of would-be writers and product creators really don’t how to properly research a product. Worse yet, some of the advice given on marketing forums could land you...
27 Red-Hot Ideas for Your Next Information Product
There are so many different “kinds” of small reports that you can write and when you mixn-match them with different “topics”, you can create dozens upon dozens of highly desirable resources to sell online. This short report will examine twenty-seven different “kinds” of small reports (along with examples) that...
How to WRITE Content
I use the acronym “WRITE” to describe each of the necessary steps for
W – WEIGH your idea options. R – REACH a formatting decision. I – INTRODUCE supporting points. T – TELL the relevant details.
E – END by polishing document. Let’s take a quick look at each of these five steps...
Using Virtual Assistants Outside Business Hours
As the so-called “King of Acronyms”, I use the acronym S.O.U.R.C.E.S. to note the following seven sources of great content. There are a variety of different kinds of “standalones” that you can offer in exchange for a “regular” lesson. These are usually materials that are related to the topic of your FTM site and are used...
How To Write PAGES of High-Demand Content
In this section, we’re going to examine, "How To Write PAGES™ Of High-Demand Content". Here is a simple five-step formula that you can use for creating lengthier pieces of content (I.E. reports and products) which has rarely been shared before in the format I'm about to give to you in this lesson. The system is...
How to Write Compelling Content That Keeps People Reading
There must be a reason why some content is very good, and some content is very bad; why some information is so enthralling that you can't stop reading while other information is the cure for a sleepless night; why some words cause you to frantically take notes and some words cause you...
How to Prepare Content Super-FAST
In this section I want to share how to quickly write content without sacrificing quality and without overtaxing your brain. I’ve been using this concept for years. It’s called “recycling” or “repurposing”. The idea is fairly simple – The process of taking existing content and using it in another format or fashion. A few quick examples include...
How to Improve Your Information WRITING
Let me begin by making what may be a shocking statement to you if you are the type of writer who feels it is of paramount importance to avoid dangling participles and fragmented sentences like they were a charging grizzly bear. Traditional grammatically correct writers brace yourself: Information...
7 Writing Helps for Every Content Creator
One of the keys to creating a great piece of writing is to start by creating a great outline. And yet many writers completely overlook this step, particularly when they’re writing short pieces like articles and reports. However, creating a good outline ensures you focus your writing on the most important topics…
The Easiest Article You Will Ever Write
Writing your own original articles is mandatory if you own a list or run an internet business. Mandatory. Part of your standard operating procedures. A basic staple. Something you can't do without. You get the picture. Articles can be used in so many ways that I'd need to write an article just to explain all the ways you can profit from articles...
How to Write Articles That Gets People to Buy
It's no big secret that one of the better tools for building an opt-in list or generating website traffic is that of writing articles and letting other publishers reprint those articles in their newsletters, etc And, of course, if you publish a list of any kind, you want to provide original articles as content for your...
The Secret for Writing Ezine Articles
It doesn't matter if they are tips, keys, steps, ideas, ways, or any other type of list or how-to tutorial. The important thing is to share 3 or more of these related points. Examples: 3 Keys to Greater Email Profits, Top 10 Ways to Grow Huge Tomatoes, 5 Steps to Selling More Used Cars, 7 Quick Tips for Toning Your Tummy, How to Re-Grow Hair in 3...
The Follow Up Formula: 27 Ways To Use Content To Get Sales
You need a targeted list. You need a responsive list. And you need to put good content and great offers in front of this targeted, responsive list. I know, you’ve heard this before. And maybe you’ve even tried to apply it to your own listbuilding efforts. But “offering good content and offers to a targeted list” is vague...
3 Copywriting Helps for Every Sales Piece
So, you’re writing a sales letter or other advertisement. And you know that one of keys to writing a great piece of copy is to brainstorm as many headlines as possible. But sometimes it’s hard to get started. Sometimes you just stare at a blank computer screen, trying to figure out how to hook your...
20 Prehead Templates
The Internet Marketing Gurus Have LIED to You! The Rumors are TRUE: The Government is Spying on Citizens – and You Could be Next! PPC Marketing is DEAD! Are you having problems getting pregnant? Do you ever dream of building your own log home? Would you like to teach your dog tricks that will amaze your friends? You’re tired of the never...
30 Headline Templates
“You Can Lose Weight Fast… Even If You LOVE Going Out to Eat!” “You Too Can Change the Oil In Your Car… Even if You Don’t Know the Difference Between Lipstick and the Dipstick!” “You Can Have a Beautiful Wedding… Even if You’re on a Shoestring Budget!” “How to Safely and Easily Lose Five Pounds in Just Five Days!” “How to Get Rid of...
20 Posthead Templates
"Yes! You Too Can Improve Your Bowling Score!" "I Discovered the Secrets of Making a Living Selling Other People’s Junk – And You Can Too!" "At Last! Now You Too Can Quickly and Easily Build Your Own Swimming Pool Solar Panels!" "Now You Can Learn to Sail Like a Seasoned Captain – And It’s Easier Than You Ever Thought...
20 Ways to Open Your Letter
Ask the prospect to imagine past hurts. Here are a few examples: Do you remember what it felt like the last time you stuttered in front of strangers? You wanted to just run away and hide under a rock. Do you remember how it felt when they smirked and laughed at you? Think back to the last time you were forced to give a public speech...
15 Ways to Introduce an Offer
Introduce the offer directly (especially if your product name conveys a benefit). For example: Introducing “Hang-Gliding Made Easy!” Introducing “Small Reports Fortune”! Introducing “How to Housetrain Your Puppy in Just Three Days!” Announcing the only online marketing course that comes with a “triple your money back” guarantee! Announcing...
15 Ways to Offer Proof
Post a screenshot. Examples: Post a screenshot of your PayPal account to show proof for an online marketing product. Post a screenshot of your top Google rankings for competitive keywords to give proof of your search engine optimization expertise. Post a screenshot of your Twitter account to show how many followers you have...
50 Fill-In-The-Blank Bullet Points
1: See page [page #] to discover a little-known way to [get benefit]!
For example: See page 7 to discover a little-known way to build a beautiful garden arbor that will leave your neighbors green with envy!
See page 129 to discover a little-known way to put a stop to your toddler’s temper tantrums...
15 Ways to Call the Prospect to Action
1. Justify the price. Would you trade a pizza for these money-making secrets? If you act now, you get everything you see on this page for the price of a medium pizza – just $14.97! You won’t find a better deal around. So, take out your credit card and click the buy now button to get started… You can’t afford to NOT get this hurricane preparation …
15 Ways to Express a Guarantee
1: The simple guarantee. Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed! You have a full 90 days to try it out risk free. If you’re not absolutely satisfied with this product, simply email me for a full, prompt, and courteous refund! You’ll Love This Course – Guaranteed! Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! Simply look over this course for the next 60 days...
15 P.S. Templates
1. Use the P.S. to reiterate the main benefit. P.S. Order now to discover the secrets of saving your marriage… because you deserve a life of happiness! P.S. Click here to order your copy of “Halitosis Be Gone” – and get ready to enjoy fresh breath! P.S. Order now to get your hands on “How to Carve a Flute” – soon you could be making a living with...
15 Subheadline Templates
1. Now You Can Get Your Hands on the Greatest Gold Mine of _______ Secrets Ever Stuffed Into a _______! Examples: Now You Can Get Your Hands on the Greatest Gold Mine of Affiliate Marketing Secrets Ever Stuffed Into a Membership Site! Now You Can Get Your Hands on the Greatest Gold Mine of DIY Home Repair Secrets Ever...