
GRASPED Curate Customers With Clubhouse - Module 20

Connecting With Others Online

Video Transcript:

Welcome back. Now at the very bottom of the application, you're going to see a waffle. If you click that waffle, you are going to see all of the individuals that you follow that are currently online. Now, when you first start, you may not see very many people here in this area because your activity has just begun. And you'll see a link there, that clubhouse will give you in order to find people to follow.

And what you'll then be able to do is to start the process of connecting with individuals that you have association with and with individuals that you want to have association with, and you're going to want to keep track of your activity feed. So, you will be able to tell who is following you back and who you can follow based on they are connecting with you.

Once you begin to see more individuals that are going to be online, what you'll see is that they're going to be available for you to start a private room in order to have a discussion on clubhouse and of course, this is going to be an audible discussion.

And when someone requests you to join a private room, you will see it in your activity feed click on that room and you can join the room by allowing clubhouse to access the microphone and you will be able to discuss with this individual. Okay, so with that, thanks and I will see you in another video.

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