GRASPED Decide What Kind Of Product You Want To Create


Once you have selected your topic, it’s time to decide what kind of product you want to create. Here are some factors to consider when deciding between a smaller package worth around $20 and a larger package worth around $97 or more:

  1. Market demand: Consider the market demand for the type of product you want to create and the price point that your target audience is willing to pay.
  2. Competition: Look at what other similar products are available in the market and their prices to determine the right price point for your product.
  3. Level of expertise: The more complex and in-depth the information you provide, the higher the price point you can justify.
  4. Value proposition: Consider what unique value your product will offer and how this will be reflected in the price.
  5. Marketing and distribution: Consider the marketing and distribution channels you will use to reach your target audience and the costs associated with these channels.

Based on these factors, you can decide whether a smaller package worth around $20 or a larger package worth around $97 or more is a better fit for your product and target audience.

Regardless of which option you choose, it’s important to remember that the quality and value of your product should always come first. Make sure that the content you provide is relevant, valuable, and unique, and that it delivers on the promises you make to your customers.

Case Study: Deciding Between a Smaller Package and a Larger Package for a Mindful Eating Infopackage

Background: The client, a small business owner, had chosen the topic of “Mindful Eating” for their infopackage. They were now faced with the decision of whether to create a smaller package worth around $20 or a larger package worth around $97 or more.

Solution: The client considered the factors outlined above when deciding between a smaller package and a larger package. They conducted market research to determine the demand for a mindful eating infopackage and the price point that their target audience was willing to pay.

They looked at the competition in the market and evaluated the level of expertise required to create a comprehensive product on mindful eating. They also considered the value proposition of their product, including the unique insights and information they could provide, and the marketing and distribution channels they would use to reach their target audience.

Based on these factors, the client decided to create a larger package worth around $97 or more. They believed that their comprehensive and in-depth information on mindful eating would justify a higher price point, and that their target audience would be willing to pay for a comprehensive product.

Result: The client’s decision to create a larger package worth around $97 or more was successful. Their comprehensive and in-depth information on mindful eating was well-received by their target audience, who were willing to pay for a high-quality and valuable product.

Conclusion: By following the steps outlined in this case study, the client was able to make an informed decision on whether to create a smaller package or a larger package for their mindful eating infopackage. This case study demonstrates the importance of considering factors such as market demand, competition, level of expertise, value proposition, and marketing and distribution when deciding between a smaller package and a larger package. By taking these factors into consideration, you can create a product that is in line with your target audience’s needs and expectations, and that delivers on the promises you make to your customers.

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