GRASPED Finish and Proof the Bonuses for Your Infoproduct


Once you have decided on the bonuses to include with your product, the next step is to finish and proof them. Here are some tips to help you do this effectively:

  1. Review and revise: Carefully review the bonuses you have created and make any necessary revisions to ensure that they are clear, concise, and accurately reflect your message.
  2. Check for accuracy: Double-check all the facts and figures in your bonuses to ensure that they are accurate and up-to-date.
  3. Proofread for spelling and grammar errors: Ensure that your bonuses are free of spelling and grammar errors. This will help improve the overall quality and credibility of your product.
  4. Format consistently: Make sure that all the bonuses have a consistent look and feel, including the font, spacing, and formatting. This will make them appear more professional and cohesive.
  5. Test the bonuses: Before you release your product, test the bonuses to make sure they work properly and provide the intended value to your customers.
  1. Get feedback: Consider getting feedback on your bonuses from beta testers, friends, or family members. This can help you identify any areas for improvement and make any necessary revisions before releasing the product.
  2. Make sure they are easy to access: Ensure that your bonuses are easy to access and use by providing clear instructions on how to access them. You may also want to consider providing a bonus dashboard or library where customers can access all the bonuses in one place.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your bonuses are well received and appreciated by your customers, and that they provide the maximum amount of value possible. This will not only improve the overall quality and credibility of your product, but it will also help you build a strong reputation as a thought leader in your niche and increase customer satisfaction. Additionally, high-quality bonuses can also help increase customer loyalty and create opportunities for upsells and backend offers, ultimately leading to increased profits and growth for your business.

Case Study: The Importance of Finishing and Proofing Bonuses

In this case study, we will look at the benefits of finishing and proofing bonuses before releasing a product. We will also explore the tips outlined above and how they can help ensure that your bonuses are well received and appreciated by your customers.

Meet Sarah, a business owner who recently created a new product, an online course on healthy eating habits. Sarah wanted to include bonuses with her product to provide even more value to her customers. She chose to include a recipe book, a grocery shopping guide, and a 30-day meal plan.

However, Sarah was so focused on creating the main course that she rushed through the process of finishing and proofing her bonuses. As a result, her recipe book had several spelling errors, and her grocery shopping guide was not formatted consistently.

When Sarah launched her product, she received negative feedback from her customers about the bonuses. They found the spelling errors and inconsistent formatting distracting, and it took away from the overall value of the product. Sarah realized her mistake and decided to take the time to finish and proof her bonuses.

She carefully reviewed each bonus and made any necessary revisions to ensure that they were clear, concise, and accurately reflected her message. She double-checked all the facts and figures and proofread each bonus for spelling and grammar errors. Sarah also made sure that all the bonuses had a consistent look and feel, including the font, spacing, and formatting.

Before releasing her product again, Sarah tested the bonuses to make sure they worked properly and provided the intended value to her customers. She also got feedback from beta testers, friends, and family members, which helped her identify areas for improvement. Finally, Sarah made sure that the bonuses were easy to access and use by providing clear instructions and creating a bonus dashboard where customers could access all the bonuses in one place.

When Sarah released her product again, the response was overwhelmingly positive. Customers appreciated the high-quality and well-proofed bonuses and found them to be a valuable addition to the main course. The positive feedback helped Sarah build a strong reputation as a thought leader in her niche, and increased customer satisfaction. Additionally, the high-quality bonuses helped increase customer loyalty and created opportunities for upsells and backend offers, ultimately leading to increased profits and growth for Sarah’s business.

In conclusion, finishing and proofing your bonuses is an important step in creating a successful product. By following the tips outlined above, you can help ensure that your bonuses are well received and appreciated by your customers, and provide the maximum amount of value possible. This will not only improve the overall quality and credibility of your product, but it will also help you build a strong reputation, increase customer satisfaction, and ultimately lead to increased profits and growth for your business.

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