GRASPED Planning Your Backend Offers for Your Sales Funnel


Backend offers, also known as post-sale offers or one time offers (OTO’s), are additional products or services that you offer to your customers after they have made a purchase. These offers are a key component of a successful sales funnel and can help you increase customer lifetime value, generate repeat business, and build stronger customer relationships.

Here are some steps to help you determine your backend offers:

  1. Evaluate your customers: Understand what your customers are looking for and what their pain points are. This will help you determine what additional products or services they might be interested in.
  2. Assess your current offerings: Take a look at your current products and services and see if there are any opportunities to expand your offerings.
  3. Identify complementary products: Look for products that complement your existing offerings and that can help provide additional value to your customers.
  4. Consider upselling: Consider offering upgrades or premium versions of your current product that can help increase the average transaction value.
  5. Ask for feedback: Ask your customers for feedback and see what additional products or services they would be interested in.

When determining your backend offers, it’s important to keep in mind the value proposition for your customers. Your backend offers should provide additional value and solve a new problem for your customers. Additionally, it’s important to offer these products at the right time and in the right way, to avoid annoying your customers or overwhelming them with too many options.

By having a clear strategy for your backend offers, you can significantly increase your revenue, build stronger customer relationships, and create a more sustainable and profitable business.

Case Study: Determining Backend Offers for an Online Fitness Program

Background: The client was an online fitness program that offered a comprehensive workout program and nutrition plan. They wanted to determine backend offers that would increase customer lifetime value, generate repeat business, and build stronger customer relationships.

Solution: The client followed the steps outlined above to determine their backend offers. They started by evaluating their customers and understanding their pain points. They then assessed their current offerings and identified complementary products that could provide additional value to their customers.

The client considered upselling by offering upgrades or premium versions of their current product, and they asked for feedback from their customers to see what additional products or services they would be interested in.

Result: The client’s backend offers were successful in increasing customer lifetime value, generating repeat business, and building stronger customer relationships. They offered additional products such as workout equipment, supplements, and personalized coaching, which provided additional value to their customers and helped solve new problems.

Conclusion: By following the steps outlined in this case study, the client was able to determine effective backend offers for their online fitness program. This case study demonstrates the importance of understanding your customers and their pain points, assessing your current offerings, and considering upselling and feedback when determining your backend offers. By having a clear strategy for your backend offers, you can increase your revenue, build stronger customer relationships, and create a more sustainable and profitable business.

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