GRASPED Successful Outsourcing for Modern Managers

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  • GRASPED Successful Outsourcing for Modern Managers

Month 1

A GRASPED Digital Resource



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20 Modules

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Subject Digest Overview:

Outsourcing, when done right, will lead to lower production and labor costs, increased efficiency, and improved product quality. But there is more to outsourcing than simply hiring a freelancer. As a modern manager, you need to know which skills should be outsourced and which ones shouldn’t, how to handle the outsourcing budget, and when you finally outsource, you need to know how to clearly communicate your expectations to the freelancer.

We understand the challenges you as modern managers face when outsourcing. That is why we created for you this short and straight-to-the-point guide to Successful Outsourcing. In this GRASPED resource, we will not only show you the dos and don’ts of outsourcing, but we will go a step further and help you understand your project so that you outsource the right roles and do it right. Among other topics, we will also cover: 

  • How to plan and specify the nature of your project.
  • How to check for provider compatibility so that you do not outsource to the wrong person.
  • How to go about payment

This resource has 5 parts with 4 modules in each. And, because we want to ensure you get everything you need to outsource right, we have dedicated the last part to addressing mistakes to avoid and challenges you might face.

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GRASPED Successful Outsourcing for Modern Managers

Month 1

Learn about different types of activities that can be outsourced.

Text lesson

Month 1

Understand how outsourcing can save time and money for your projects.

Text lesson

Month 1

Gain insights into assessing your resources and identifying outsourcing needs.

Text lesson

Month 1

Get a checklist to help you determine when outsourcing is the right choice.

Text lesson

Month 1

Learn how to thoroughly understand your project before outsourcing.

Text lesson

Month 1

Assess the feasibility of outsourcing for your specific project.

Text lesson

Month 1

Explore strategies for creating a timeline and schedule for outsourcing tasks.

Text lesson

Month 1

Obtain a checklist to assist you in planning and specifying your outsourcing requirements.

Text lesson

Month 1

Learn how to make a good first impression when selecting an outsourcing provider.

Text lesson

Month 1

Understand the key skills and qualifications to look for in an outsourcing provider.

Text lesson

Month 1

Explore factors to consider to ensure compatibility with your chosen provider.

Text lesson

Month 1

Obtain a checklist to guide you in selecting the right outsourcing provider.

Text lesson

Month 1

Learn how to establish clear goals and expectations for your outsourcing project.

Text lesson

Month 1

Understand the importance of effective communication throughout the outsourcing process.

Text lesson

Month 1

Explore essential strategies for maintaining momentum and productivity in outsourcing.

Text lesson

Month 1

Obtain a checklist to help you maintain the momentum in your outsourcing project.

Text lesson

Month 1

Discover common mistakes to avoid when outsourcing.

Text lesson

Month 1

Learn about potential challenges and issues that may arise during outsourcing.

Text lesson

Month 1

Understand the payment requirements and financial aspects of outsourcing.

Text lesson

Month 1

Get a checklist to remind you of key considerations for maintaining momentum in your outsourcing project.

Text lesson

About the Publisher


At GRASPED Digital, we combine creativity and expertise to enhance your digital marketing journey. Our goal is to be your trusted guide, using innovative strategies and insights to lead you to success in internet marketing.
Our blog series features fictional narratives that explore core marketing principles while providing tools and knowledge rooted in real-world tactics. Join us as we use storytelling to educate and inspire, helping you excel in the digital landscape.

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