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GRASPED The Virtual HeySummit Masterclass – Module 3

Set Up Your Booking Calendar, Part 1

Video Transcript:

Welcome back. Now in order to begin booking guests and to keep track of them using email, instead of having to talk in real time, you're going to need to set up a booking system, one system that you can use; and there are a number of them available. You're now looking at and there are other systems like Calendy available. One very popular system is called Once

Now calendy does have a free plan available as well as pricing at various levels. And that's going to be the case with all similar services, there's typically going to be a free version and then some kind of monthly charge.

Assuming that you're going to set up with a system like Calendy, you are going to sign up and or log in. What you're going to want to do is you're going to set up a specific event type which is going to be for your speakers to sign up whether to present or speak at your summit. And so inside of Calendy, you're going to create a new event type. And what you're going to want to do is to make it so that an invitee can pick a time in order to meet with you. What we're going to do now is click create.

Are you going to want to fill in enough details so that your guests will see that this is where they're going to sign up in order to book an appointment in order to either prerecord their session or to appear live on your summit. You're going to add in a specific location.

Now, in the case of Calendy, you can have a person sign directly into a specific platform. So for example, let's assume that what we wanted to do is we want to have the individual signed up to a specific zoom conference and we're going to write in our description. What we're now going to do with click next.

Now you were going to set some parameters, so the individuals will be able to book within a specific time. You're going to set the duration of the meeting and you can choose the hours in which you determine that you're going to be available for individuals to book an appointment.

And you can give yourself some additional flexibility, so that you can not be booked too close to the actual event or too soon after the event. Now Calendy does give you some additional customizations that you can make to your calendar. We are now going to click next. What we're going to do is stop the video here, and we're going to pick it up from the next part of the process of setting up your booking calendar.

Okay. So with that, thanks. And I will see you in another video.

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